Thursday, February 7, 2008

Final Chapter

Man no one has any sense of decency in this book. The district Commissioner is a moron, the messengers are idiots. the only guy in this book i like is Obierika. I cant believe Okonkwo committed suicide. Granted, he was going to be hanged anyway but still. I would have turned my house into a fortress and attacked the english when they came to get me out.
This man was disgusting and pathetic. so it was the end of the old ways, big deal. get over it bozo. either that or go kill yourself like the coward you really are. anyway i dont think i liked this book too much.

1 comment:

Irish said...

I think there were a few decent characters in the book Enzinma, the 1st preacher, some of Okonkwo's wives who put up with a lot. I disagree with your opening statement.

I do agree with your "turned my house into a fortress and attacked the english" motif. I don't think Achebe kept Okonkwo in character by killing himself. Maybe he is a defeated man, but go out on your feet, not on the noose. I like your idea better.

Maybe you didn't like the book, and that's fine. Sometimes as kids our parents make us eat our vegetables. We may turn our noses up at this at first, but later we learn they do this for our own good.

This book is a plate of African green vegetables. We read it to learn about African culture. Most of the books you may be used to reading are written by western-style authors. I'd venture to say you haven't read much from an African born author, told from their perspective? Maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway, nice blog. Good posts. I enjoyed reading it.

Mr. Farrell

However we don't read the book