Thursday, February 28, 2008

Teenage Wasteland

Well, what a lazy, immature child! This does seem to be the kind of behavior that a person with ADHD or ADD would exhibit, but I feel that in this case it is probably more of a rebellious phase. Unfortunately, it seems that, these days, more and more children are behaving like Donny. What really bugged me about this story was Cal. He was in a position of influence with Donny and he abused it. I mean, he was charging Donny's parents as a tutor, but, if anything, he was making Donny's grades even worse. Furthermore, he was instilling a "not my fault" mentality into the kid. Good grief, there are already enough politicians with that mentality, we don't need anyone else to develop it. This story seemed to me the saddest. It starred a kid who seemed unmotivated, but basically good, who, through the course of his decisions, lost his chance at greater things. I don't believe that Donny was stupid, nor innatentive, nor even ADD. It seemed to be a plain and simple case of lack of motivation. I do think that a lot of that probably came from his parents, there was a gush over anything he did, but, at first, no real push for Donny to strive to do better. The only time the parents stepped in was when Donny was already on his downhill slide and beginning to accelerate. That is definately not proper parenting.

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