Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chapter Nine

This chapter explained a lot of cultural beliefs. Poor Ekwefi, 10 kids and only one survivor and the one a girl. That is horrible for her culture. The medicine men seemed rather odd, wouldnt they have ordinarily seen the oracle for something lkie that? Anyway whatever they did it seemed to work. There was a lot of stories in the cbhapter too. the mosquito and the lizard. they seemed like aesops fables to me. anyway, the child ezinma got sick, and the book explained why that was so bad. okonkwo finally shows some good traits and is helping out. good for him.

1 comment:

Cody Williams said...

I also feel terrible for Okonkwo's second wife. Losing nine children!! That has to be so awful. Hopefully she doesn't lose this child too.