Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chapter Twelve

I really enjoyed the description of the wedding. The fact that even after something as bizarre as last night doesnt prevent Okonkwo and his family from going and hivng a good time says a lot about the strangeness of teh culture. I was really rather pleased by the nervousness for his daughter the book said okonkwo felt. finally he is acting like a real man.
One custum seemed a little odd to me, when the cry went up, every woman in the village went out to catch the cow and levy the fine to the man wh let it loose. they actually had to tell some of tehir number to stay behind and watch the fire to prevent them going. I wonder is this the one area we have seen where women stand supreme, or is it just really dangerous for a cow to be loose? Either way, kudoes for not letting the food burn.
The wedding was cool, it seemed a lot like some weddings today. I mean if you take out the part where they sacrificed the rooster we would seem right at home. Actually it was more like the whole thing was a reception, but you get the point.

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