Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chapter Seven

This chapter is extremely depressing. It starts out really cool, emphasizing what a great son Nwoye is becoming because on Ikemefuna, the locusts come and the villagers are delighted, they have new, rare, food to eat. Then of course, evrything goes downhill. The village council has finally decided to kill ikemefuna. this seems really messed up to me, ikemefuna has been there for i think three years, and they just now are going to kill him. As superstitous as these dudes are, i think that they wouldnt sacrifice anyone after such a windfall, but maybe in thanks.
Anyway, what really seemed messed up was that it was okonkwo who actually did the killing. the kid had been his son for years and he cuts him down without hesitating to avoid seeming weak. Dude this guy has some problems. He needs some serious counciling.

1 comment:

Joe King said...

I agree with you Dan that chapter SUCKED. It was a complete let down. In chapter 6 they made the wrestling tournament sound like something so great and then in chapter 7 it was like the drummers were sweaty and a guy got tired and thrown on his back and the crowd cheered. LAME.