Monday, February 4, 2008

Chapter Three

This chapter shows the willpower of Okonkwo and the power of the village oracle. The oracle is held in great esteem, and seems to work by knowing the people who come to her rather than listening to spirits. The people are fooled by parlor tricks and their own superstition. Okonkwo is an incredibly strongwilled man. In his first year of planting yams, he has the most terrible luck imaginable. One man in his village commits suicide his crop is so bad. Okonkwo justs does his best and works as hard as he can to ensure he gets a harvest. At the end he determines that if he can survive that, he can survive anything. Truly this is a man destined for great things.


Special-K said...

I completely agree with everything you are saying. If I was Okonkwo I would be horribly mad if I had that much bad luck when it came to trying to plant something. I give a lot of credit to Okonkwo for not giving up.

Cody Williams said...

He is very strong willed. I do not think that if i were in his position that i would have put up with the drought and stuck through it. But good for him that he did