Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chapter Fourteen

This chapter is mostly psychological. The whole time it is explaining how okonkwo is so sad to be back in the motherland. He thinks that he tried to rise above his chi and has been thrown down for doing so. He no longer loves to work as he did, and justs sits passively when he is not working. Finally his father in law yells at him at the end. I hope it works, the only worse thing than a normal okonkwo is a depressed okonkwo.
There was yet another example of anti feminism in this chapter. they called what okonkwo did a female ochu. good grief, cant these guys learn to respect women? anyway, they showed a different marraigwe custum in this chapter, at the rate these guys sacrifice chickens, im amazed that any are left. it was kinda cool anyway.

1 comment:

Irish said...

We do see a bit of a change after the exile. I think Achebe uses this 7 year span to insert the white people into the storyline.

Okonkwo shows up after the fact. The whites are already here and are building a church in the village. By the time Okonkwo shows up its already too late to do anything about their presence.

Despite him trying to rally suppport to drive the whites out, other villagers tune him out. I think this is the reason he sulks so much in the chapter.

Mr. Farrell