Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chapter 2

This chapter was about the superstitions and power of Okonkwo's people. It tells of a man whose wife was killed by people from a nearby village. Okonkwo's tribe send an utimatum that says that war will come unless the other tribe sends a young man and a virgin. The young man is given to Okonkwo to care for and the virgin is given to the man who lost his wife.
There is also a lot of stuff in the chapter that tells what type of man Okonkwo is. He must be some kind of very angry person, because his only purpose in life is to hate all that his father loved. He is always working and beats his son because of his perceived "idleness." He is a great warrior and does not fear battle, indeed it almost seems as though he longs for it. All in all, Okonkwo seems a violent angry man with psycological issues about his father.

1 comment:

Irish said...

I'm not so concerned with you telling me what happened in a chapter, than I am with hearing what you thought about things you've read in it.

When you make blog entries, make sure they follow the 5 prescribed options of being one of the following:http://farrellworldcultures.

The 2nd half of your entry is more on point to this objective.

Yes, Okonkwo becomes the opposite of his father. This is what drives him, and will later cause him much grief. You analyze him quite effectively. His rage is what drives him. His fear of weakness ends up being his own weakness.

You have 4 more days of me checking blogs. There are 26 more chapters you have not entred. I suggest you make use of the tablet I gave you to make your other reflections, otherwise you won't finish in time.

Mf. Farrell