Sunday, March 2, 2008


I commented on Joes and I think it was Sarahs posts. Joe really seemed to understand what Mr. Watts was talking about, and all power to him. I am still completely lost. Sarah was more up my alley with what she understood. I read a couple other peoples blogs, and I think that Aaron and I are closest in understanding that is to say we get what the guy was talking about, but we dont understand it. The difference is between knowing what you are studying and actually studying it. Ah well, Tylenol anyone?

1 comment:

Irish said...

Many people want answers to be straight forward. 2+2 =4. Unfortunately the universe doesn't operate like that. Hinduism like any religion is much more complex and has many different variables.

There is an abstract or higher level thinking that goes into viewing another person's religion. Hinduism is complex and simple at the same time. Was Watt's lecture hard to understand? Yeah, but that's the point. Hinduism isn't something that one can learn about in one 14 minute pod cast. We are just scratching the surface of a VERY complex system. I wanted to show that, and see how you (students) could deal with it.

Apparently, abstract thought is something of a challenge for many of your classmates.

Mr. Farrell